The 2025 harvest is approaching.
Loganberries will be available in mid-June, boysenberries in late June/ early July. Red haven peaches will start about July 25th and Veteran peaches should start about August 8th. Check our Facebook page or phone line for exact opening times and other details.
Thank you.
This farm has been in the family since 1925, through 4 generations. We have been raising peaches since 1978 and currently have 2 varieties; Red Haven and Veteran. Our peaches are primarily u-pick. We do offer pre-picked peaches in bags (approximately 5 pounds) when we have time to pick and sort them.
During peach harvest, usually the end of July through the middle of August, we are typically open 7 days a week with varying hours. We do close periodically during harvest for ripening, and we also close anytime the temperature exceeds 90°F. Please check Facebook or call 503-362-7153 for updates before visiting us as our days and hours can change with little advance notice based on crop ripeness and weather.
We also offer loganberries and boysenberries. Expect logans to start in mid-June and boysens beginning in late June to early July. Days and hours for the berries depend on ripe product being available, as well as our ability to staff the fruitstand. Check FB or call ahead for the most recent information before visiting.
The farm is located at 5495 Center St. NE, Salem, Oregon, 97317. That is 2 miles east of Lancaster Drive or 1/2 mile east of Cordon Road at the end of Center St. Look for the sign at our Center Street driveway during harvest season.
Our phone number is 503-362-7153
Red Haven – These are fantastic for using fresh in recipes and just plain eating straight off the tree. While they do work for canning and freezing, the veteran is superior for that. Our Red havens are ready for picking in late July and are available for 1 or 2 days. This is a classic peach with very high name recognition and a great reputation.
Veteran – Because of their highly reliable production, great flavor and easy handling for canning, veterans are a very popular western Oregon peach. They are a hybrid that is frost resistant during the bloom, which is the most vulnerable time for the peach crop. These peaches are freestone, easily peeled and very sturdy which makes them an excellent peach for canning and freezing. They are ready for picking in early August and are available for about 2 weeks. While they are a superb canning peach, they are also a very delicious fresh peach. Some even say they are better than Red Havens for eating fresh off the tree.